We are proud to present to you here a selection of our satisfied customers. Quality pays up. Certainly we will be able to convince you of the quality of our professional services.
Umicore, AC-RT-PD, Hanau,
AECC Association for Emission Control by Catalysts, Brüssel,
ÖVK Österreichischer Verein für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Wien,
Volkswagen AG, EADA, Wolfsburg,
CTI Car Training Institue,
IQPC International Quality & Productivity Center,
HDT Haus der Technik in Essen,
TAE Technische Akademie Esslingen,
Some examples of chairing conferences:
- Biofuels - a challenge to the automotive, 26th-27th June 2007 in Munich,
- Biofuels in the combustion engine, 10-11 June 2008 in Mannheim
- 1. Automotive Biofuels International Conference,
9th-11th September 2008 in Berlin
- 3. Automotive Biofuels International Conference,
29th-31th September 2011 in Berlin
Some examples of organized symposia:
1st Andechser Environmental Symposium "Emission Reduction and Fuel Saving ",
16th-17th October 2006 in Andechs
2nd Andechs / Herrschinger Environmental Symposium
"CO2 reduction and Exhaust Emission Reduction ",
15-May 16, 2008 in Herrsching
The conference proceedings are also published as separate books.
Sample presentations
- "Estimation of Worldwide CO, NMHC, NOx and PM Emission",
10th Int. Conference on Harmonisation within Dispersion Modelling for
Regulatory Purposes Atmosheric, 17.-20. October 2005 in Sissi, Crete
- "Health effects of diesel engine exhaust emissions"
on the occasion of the 7th International Colloquium Fuels Mineral Oil Based
and Alternative Fuels, 14.-15. January 2009 in Esslingen